Merz Consulting
Stampfenbachstrasse 57
8006 Zürich
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Vom Bildungszentrum zum 360° Lernraum
Rund 1'200 Lernende der Logistik und Maschinenbau profitieren am Bildungszentrum Limmattal (BZLT) von einem neuen Unterrichts-system. Ein Projektteam unter der Leitung von Denise Merz, hat es im Rahmen des Projekts «n47e8» auf die Anforderungen einer zeit-gemässen Berufsbildung aus-gerichtet. Parallel dazu wurden die Lerninhalte problembasiert sowie themen- und teilweise fächer-übergreifend konzipiert.
Spotlight Switzerland Digital Transformation at School
Spotlight Switzerland is looking for inspiring kindergarten, primary and secondary school educators who are embracing digital transformation in the classroom by experimenting with teaching methods and tools together with their students. Ten most convincing emerging good practices will be selected by an expert jury and will receive grants summing up to CHF 120'000 for further development.
We built and realized the vocational school of the future
Learning for the 21st century extends just as well to vocational schooling. Specialist teacher Denise Merz tells how she and her colleagues redesigned everything around their teaching, even the school building.
“If we as teachers really wanted our students to change, then we would have to dive in completely, not just test the waters.”Presse
Vom Bildungszentrum zum 360° Lernraum
Rund 1'200 Lernende der Logistik und Maschinenbau profitieren am Bildungszentrum Limmattal (BZLT) von einem neuen Unterrichts-system. Ein Projektteam unter der Leitung von Denise Merz, hat es im Rahmen des Projekts «n47e8» auf die Anforderungen einer zeit-gemässen Berufsbildung aus-gerichtet. Parallel dazu wurden die Lerninhalte problembasiert sowie themen- und teilweise fächer-übergreifend konzipiert.
Spotlight Switzerland Digital Transformation at School
Spotlight Switzerland is looking for inspiring kindergarten, primary and secondary school educators who are embracing digital transformation in the classroom by experimenting with teaching methods and tools together with their students. Ten most convincing emerging good practices will be selected by an expert jury and will receive grants summing up to CHF 120'000 for further development.
We built and realized the vocational school of the future
Learning for the 21st century extends just as well to vocational schooling. Specialist teacher Denise Merz tells how she and her colleagues redesigned everything around their teaching, even the school building.
“If we as teachers really wanted our students to change, then we would have to dive in completely, not just test the waters.”Presse
Vom Bildungszentrum zum 360° Lernraum
Rund 1'200 Lernende der Logistik und Maschinenbau profitieren am Bildungszentrum Limmattal (BZLT) von einem neuen Unterrichts-system. Ein Projektteam unter der Leitung von Denise Merz, hat es im Rahmen des Projekts «n47e8» auf die Anforderungen einer zeit-gemässen Berufsbildung aus-gerichtet. Parallel dazu wurden die Lerninhalte problembasiert sowie themen- und teilweise fächer-übergreifend konzipiert.
Spotlight Switzerland Digital Transformation at School
Spotlight Switzerland is looking for inspiring kindergarten, primary and secondary school educators who are embracing digital transformation in the classroom by experimenting with teaching methods and tools together with their students. Ten most convincing emerging good practices will be selected by an expert jury and will receive grants summing up to CHF 120'000 for further development.
We built and realized the vocational school of the future
Learning for the 21st century extends just as well to vocational schooling. Specialist teacher Denise Merz tells how she and her colleagues redesigned everything around their teaching, even the school building.
“If we as teachers really wanted our students to change, then we would have to dive in completely, not just test the waters.”Presse
Vom Bildungszentrum zum 360° Lernraum
Rund 1'200 Lernende der Logistik und Maschinenbau profitieren am Bildungszentrum Limmattal (BZLT) von einem neuen Unterrichts-system. Ein Projektteam unter der Leitung von Denise Merz, hat es im Rahmen des Projekts «n47e8» auf die Anforderungen einer zeit-gemässen Berufsbildung aus-gerichtet. Parallel dazu wurden die Lerninhalte problembasiert sowie themen- und teilweise fächer-übergreifend konzipiert.
Spotlight Switzerland Digital Transformation at School
Spotlight Switzerland is looking for inspiring kindergarten, primary and secondary school educators who are embracing digital transformation in the classroom by experimenting with teaching methods and tools together with their students. Ten most convincing emerging good practices will be selected by an expert jury and will receive grants summing up to CHF 120'000 for further development.
We built and realized the vocational school of the future
Learning for the 21st century extends just as well to vocational schooling. Specialist teacher Denise Merz tells how she and her colleagues redesigned everything around their teaching, even the school building.
“If we as teachers really wanted our students to change, then we would have to dive in completely, not just test the waters.”

Vom Bildungszentrum zum 360° Lernraum

Rund 1200 Lernende der Logistik und Maschinenbau profitieren am Bildungszentrum Limmattal (BZLT) von einem neuen Unterrichts-system. Ein Projektteam unter der Leitung von Denise Merz, hat es im Rahmen des Projekts «n47e8» auf die Anforderungen einer zeit-gemässen Berufsbildung aus-gerichtet. Parallel dazu wurden die Lerninhalte problembasiert sowie themen- und teilweise fächer-übergreifend konzipiert.
Spotlight Switzerland Digital Transformation at School

Spotlight Switzerland is looking for inspiring kindergarten, primary and secondary school educators who are embracing digital transformation in the classroom by experimenting with teaching methods and tools together with their students. Ten most convincing emerging good practices will be selected by an expert jury and will receive grants summing up to CHF 120'000 for further development.
Gerne möchte ich mehr über Ihre Herausforderungen und Ziele erfahren.
Zögern Sie nicht, mich zu kontaktieren. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Anfrage unter:

Vom Bildungszentrum zum 360° Lernraum

Rund 1200 Lernende der Logistik und Maschinenbau profitieren am Bildungszentrum Limmattal (BZLT) von einem neuen Unterrichts-system. Ein Projektteam unter der Leitung von Denise Merz, hat es im Rahmen des Projekts «n47e8» auf die Anforderungen einer zeit-gemässen Berufsbildung aus-gerichtet. Parallel dazu wurden die Lerninhalte problembasiert sowie themen- und teilweise fächer-übergreifend konzipiert.
Spotlight Switzerland Digital Transformation at School

Spotlight Switzerland is looking for inspiring kindergarten, primary and secondary school educators who are embracing digital transformation in the classroom by experimenting with teaching methods and tools together with their students. Ten most convincing emerging good practices will be selected by an expert jury and will receive grants summing up to CHF 120'000 for further development.
We built and realized the vocational school of the future

Learning for the 21st century extends just as well to vocational schooling. Specialist teacher Denise Merz tells how she and her colleagues redesigned everything around their teaching, even the school building.
“If we as teachers really wanted our students to change, then we would have to dive in completely, not just test the waters.”
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